Interest Calculator

Solve various problems related to money, finance, mortgage, loan, checking, credit card and savings accounts.
Compound Interest
Compound Interest
Solving for future value.


present value (P) dollars
interest rate (i)
compounds per year (q)
years (n) time


future value(A) = 112.71597762054 dollars

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Compound Interest
Future dollar amount after a period of timeFuture dollar amount after a period of time
A=future value
P=present value
i=interest rate
q=number of compounds per year

Simple Interest
Future dollar amount after a period of timeFuture dollar amount after a period of time
A=future value
P=present value
i=interest rate

Annual Percentage Rate
simple interest equal to the compounded interest during the yearsimple interest equal to the compounded interest during the year
r=annual percentage rate
i=interest rate
q=number of time compounded per year

Regular Deposits
simple interest equal to the compounded interest during the yearsimple interest equal to the compounded interest during the year
P=principal after n years
M=deposit amount per period
i=interest rate
q=number of periods in a year
n=number of years

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By Jimmy Raymond
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